From the moment you are born, you are primed to accept truths about how to live. Cry, and you are…
Where Are All the Good Men?
Are you under a log? Where the heck are you? Hanging out in some secret man-cave? Turned into expats? Sorry guys, but we just can’t seem to find you…
Detachment: Let Go & Meet Freedom
Refusing to dwell on past experiences invites freedom and new discoveries, allowing fresh beliefs to form…
Embrace Change. Thrive on It.
Do what makes you a little nervous.
Fr. Letti scuttled alongside his comrade as carefully as his undignified bottom would allow, and the two rats stood swaying in the parish foyer, of Behind-The-Walls in the great Cathedral…
How pleasurable would life be if I enjoyed each and every moment, knowing that tomorrow will arrive regardless of my thoughts about it?
Saving Stephan
Then she just comes out with it.
Ever talk to your soul?
Haha he says, and averts his eyes.
Huh. She turns away to leave and then throws this comment over her shoulder. Neglect is death by a thousand cuts.
Father Time Has Silver Hair
The heart is disturbingly grudging about dislodging offences that, built over time like a fortress, strives like a searing poker to protect the mind, will and emotions of the soul by disabling pain and feeling, yet all the while hardening the heart into coal.
Living the Smooth Rich Flow
Sometimes, I feel like all of life sits just below the horizon and the sand of time is always, ever-trickling downward … the unfaltering sift of tiny bits of crushed crystal